Friday, June 22, 2012

And we're back...

Here we go again. Another summer in Hawaii! This time with an infant. I decided to restart this blog, mainly to have something to do during the day while Shawn is working and Archer is napping. Stay at home mom-ing is a bit hard to adjust to. I like it but I need an outlet, know what I mean? So, we've been here just over a month and in that time...

Shawn's been sick twice.

 Archer caught it once and had a bad cough for ten days which resulted in a pediatrician visit.

This mama having several panic attacks about said cough, resulted in ten sleepless nights checking to make sure Archer was breathing every 30 minutes.

I ended up getting a kidney stone two weeks later, landing me in an ER and then in an outpatient surgery floor having the stone removed and a stent placed. This kidney stone felt like labor again. Actually, it was worse than the labor I felt prior to my epidural at 6cm. I'm so glad Dilaudid was invented.

I've also had several spottings of the homeless criminal that robbed me in 2010.

But despite the string of incidents listed above, we have found some time to enjoy ourselves and the island.


 We miss our friends and family! My parents get here in 6 days and i'm excited to have the company!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Home again

We made it back to Austin and we made it back...engaged. I finally have a reason for reading wedding blogs! Oh, and I get to marry Shawn! Double win. He proposed on November 5th. Which Heather tells me, is Gram Parsons and Ryan Adams birthdays. They just happen to be two of my favorites. Nice job, Shawn. I know you had no clue it was their birthdays, but I'm going to give you props anyway.

The story:

Without me knowing, Shawn had gone to pick up the ring the night before. It had been shipped to his office. The next morning, we took an early flight to the Big Island for a few days of vacation. He was too excited to wait until that night, so he proposed at 10am at our hotel. He did the one knee action and said some really sweet things, asked me to marry him and then pulled a beautiful ring out from behind his back. I was so surprised that I hit him on the shoulder! I'm really good in these types of situations, apparently. We then called our families/friends and afterwords went to get some lunch. I ordered a Mimosa which later would trigger a migraine, but not before we hit up the hot tub. I got to show off my ring to some strangers in the hot tub who asked if we were newly engaged or newly married. I guess they caught me staring at hand. I spent the rest of the day and night in bed with a migraine! Bummertown! Besides my dumb head, it was an amazing day.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Koko Head

Koko Head is another crater made from volcanic ash. It's 1200 ft above sea level and used to house a military shelter/look out at the top of the hill. You can climb to the top of Koko Head on a trail of 1100 steep, uneven steps that go all the way to the top. The steps used to be part of a railroad track for a supply cart that ran supplies up to the shelter. It was hot and we didn't bring water. I whined pretty much the entire time.

The start of the trail...

Views from the top...

Self portrait at the top. I seriously didn't think I was going to make it. I also was pretty depressed because I knew we still had to go down!

The first step on the way down, I fell on my butt. Then I did it again. Yep, got up, took another step and fell again.

About halfway down, the trail becomes a bridge. The ground drops out from underneath it. One wrong step and I swear I could've died.

So I did what I had to do. I crab-walked down the bridge.

Finally at the bottom!

Diamond Head

When Shawn's parents were here, we took them for a late afternoon climb up Diamond Head. Diamond Head is a volcanic crater and the iconic backdrop of Waikiki Beach (above). I think it was formed during one of the last eruptions on Oahu. I thought his mom was going to kill us all after hiking a good mile then seeing this spiral staircase that led up to the very top.

She was a trooper though and we all made it to the top as the sun was beginning to set. The view is amazing. Shawn got some really great shots of his parents. I just love these!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday Fireworks

Every Friday, we get to watch a fireworks display that takes place on the beach in front of the Ilikai. Sometimes we walk down to the beach and grab a nice spot on the sand. Most of the time we watch from the balcony. Perfect seats. I wanted to video the fireworks at least once so that if I ever feel nostalgic for my friday fireworks I can watch them from anywhere! I don't know why, but fireworks always get me a little emotional, especially when everyone cheers after it's over. I guess I'm a huge sap.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Book Report

I really can't get in to this one. I've been trying to read it the whole time I've been here and read three other books instead but now I'm determined. It's going to go everywhere I go. Even if Shawn is embarrassed to be seen with me.